If EA does not offer more facial features, perhaps it should offer us the option of scanning our face in the game. There are many small things to improve the Mut 24 coins game's customization, but they've been ignoring it for many years. I'm not sure what EA is scared about, however it's about time to adapt with the times.

Although EA has announced a massive update on scouting in mid through September a lot of players are anxious for the day when everything will come together. It's not about a scenario and how the developers can bring all our desires to fruition. It's about the present. At the moment, CFM is just not pleasant to switch from FotF. It's not unplayable completely however for those that expected an update right from the release, you'll probably be with a disappointment.

I'm sure I was and I was aware of what was to come as Road to the Draft transitioned into the Connected Franchise mode.

However, we hope that If EA will continue to improve its franchise mode, people will notice the changes in the entirety of Madden. The majority of that will need to be a face for the Franchise. What's the benefit in continuing to tell your "story" in franchise mode if you don't seem like you're continuing the journey you started in an authentic manner?

If you're looking to build an NFL potential player for Madden 24 with hopes of making it to the Hall of Fame, United We Stand isn't worth playing through. Beyond the story element it's not nearly enough that keeps me occupied and focused on an Hall of Fame outcome. In the end, just like today's Madden 24. there's much to be wanted.

It's definitely an important move in the right direction towards bringing an RPG-like experience that is accurate to the buy Mut 24 coins however there's some way to go before it's able to stand next to MyPlayers as well as the The Road to Shows of the world. The experience is improving however there's an extended distance to be traveled until Face of the Franchise gets an award-winning gold jacket and an appearance in Canton.