Which WoW Cataclysm Classic Race Has The Best PvP Racials?
This is your Pugs and in this video I'm going to be talking about something that I see in the comment section of every rap video which is how important the made it is when it comes to arena and PvP for WoW Cataclysm Classic. The first thing to ask yourself and probably the most important question is what are your goals for wallets.
If you are just looking for some extra PvP gear to help fill your gear set or if you are looking to play arena with your friends to get some points, then the Mehta is going to have virtually no impact on your games. While okay arena is extremely difficult and has a very high skill ceiling along with requiring a ton of knowledge.
Since there are so many different classes, specs and compositions that all have different tool downs and kill windows to be aware of. It takes 1000s and 1000s of games to understand the ins and outs of each different composition and how to deal with it. It is also very very frustrating at times because anyone who plays arena is going to lose games since the difficulty is so high. This means that if you don't like your class or race or specializations playstyle then you are going to have a bad time guaranteed.
And also if you're going to be reroll in your class or composition just to play something that's in the quote unquote maida just because it's good when you win games, it will feel just okay because you're playing I made a comp and you should be winning and when you lose, it will feel absolutely horrible since you're supposed to be winning because you've already picked the best class and race Tambo etc.
On the other hand, if you were to play a composition that is just okay, but you enjoy your class and play style. When you win, it's going to feel great and when you lose while it will feel bad, you will try to theorize on how you can win next time since you want to continue playing your class. This is extremely important in my opinion, because playing what is fun is always going to be a much much better time than reroll in your entire play style in class and race to the Medha that you may not even have fun playing.
Which WoW Cataclysm Classic Race Has The Best PvP Racials?
This is your Pugs and in this video I'm going to be talking about something that I see in the comment section of every rap video which is how important the made it is when it comes to arena and PvP for WoW Cataclysm Classic. The first thing to ask yourself and probably the most important question is what are your goals for wallets.
If you are just looking for some extra PvP gear to help fill your gear set or if you are looking to play arena with your friends to get some points, then the Mehta is going to have virtually no impact on your games. While okay arena is extremely difficult and has a very high skill ceiling along with requiring a ton of knowledge.
Since there are so many different classes, specs and compositions that all have different tool downs and kill windows to be aware of. It takes 1000s and 1000s of games to understand the ins and outs of each different composition and how to deal with it. It is also very very frustrating at times because anyone who plays arena is going to lose games since the difficulty is so high. This means that if you don't like your class or race or specializations playstyle then you are going to have a bad time guaranteed.
And also if you're going to be reroll in your class or composition just to play something that's in the quote unquote maida just because it's good when you win games, it will feel just okay because you're playing I made a comp and you should be winning and when you lose, it will feel absolutely horrible since you're supposed to be winning because you've already picked the best class and race Tambo etc.
On the other hand, if you were to play a composition that is just okay, but you enjoy your class and play style. When you win, it's going to feel great and when you lose while it will feel bad, you will try to theorize on how you can win next time since you want to continue playing your class. This is extremely important in my opinion, because playing what is fun is always going to be a much much better time than reroll in your entire play style in class and race to the Medha that you may not even have fun playing.